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Living Water is the name we give to the Structured Water produced by the VORTEXèr. And, it is very different than ordinary tap water!

It’s the same form of water that you would find in nature, as in a wild stream, that acquires properties through constant movement and flow. Creating vortices, and undergoing a transformational process that structures the water into a hexagonal or crystalline-lattice pattern. The same state as the fresh clean water that humanity has drank for thousands of years!

Just as water runs through creeks and streams in a natural double-spiral flow, so should it run through our veins if our bodies are to function well. It’s the water in (and for) all your healthy cells. And, when all your cells are working to their full potential, properly hydrated, all functions in all organs are performed as they should.

Drinking Living Water you’ll immediately understand how water is supposed to be: smooth, light, tasty and better absorbed by your body. It is the simplest way to support the restoration of your body’s cellular functions, promoting deep cellular hydration and oxygenation. 

Living Water is also know as:

Natural Water or Structured Water
Vortexed Water or Swirled Water
Exclusion Zone (EZ) Water
Dynamised Water, Energised Water

Magnetised Water, Coherent Water,

Bio-photonic Water, Hexagonal Water

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One of the easiest ways to access natural, abundant energy is by vortexing water.

The VORTEXèr offers a modern, simple process for improving the quality of regular drinking water by producing what we like to call: Living Water.

Human beings are comprised of approximately 60% water, but as we age this can diminish to around 55%, so the quality of the water we consume is crucial to our wellbeing.


Water is a solvent that dissolves and removes harmful unwanted substances in our bodies.

However, water is so much more than “SIMPLY” water and research suggests that unstructured water is one of the reasons so many people are sick, tired… low on energy and vitality. Tap water or bottled water does not help to increase your “life energy” level.

The Living Water VORTEXèr:


- Harnesses the power of Implosion Force, which energizes the water

- Forces water molecules to cluster together to form Structure Water        - -- Adds dissolved oxygen, and removes harmful gaseous chemicals.

- Charges water negatively (which all livings cells absolutely love)

- Raises at least 5x higher energy on the Bovis scale than bottled water

Drinking Living Water should be part of everyone’s daily rhythm!


"Implosion is no invention in the conventional sense, but rather the renaissance of ancient knowledge, lost over the course of time"

Viktor Schauberger

You can observe water naturally vortexing in untouched sources, including mountain streams and whirlpools. In fact, the same principle occurs in hurricanes and in the swirling motion of the Milky Way and other galaxies. Our environment is humming with energy from natural sources.

Water is of utmost importance to humans, animals and plants. Only in nature do we find the pure and energised water that is created by the way it moves. Water becomes pure when it has travelled through the soil, where it is purified in the rotating seepage process, and is pushed up through the layers again when it encounters warmer water. In the different layers of soil the water passes through, it is purified and supplied with necessary minerals. The ascent process occurs in a vortex pattern – Nature’s spiral cycle.

Like everything else in Nature, water does not naturally move in straight lines, but in spirals. In nature, water is naturally vortexed and structured by gravity, electromagnetism, wind, and other natural influences. By studying groundwater flow patterns in the natural aquatic environment, scientists have learned which forces and systems naturally revitalise and structure water. Glacier water, water from artesian springs and swirled water have a high degree of organisation and are therefore a simple and effective antioxidant.

And that is why we call it Living Water

It’s the water in all your healthy cells and in healthy plants and animals!



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Crystal photography is a technique in which water is frozen and microscopic photographs are then taken. There is a demonstrable relationship between water quality and its crystal form.

With tap water, the water molecules are in most cases unstructured and therefore do not form symmetrical crystals.
With Living Water, the crystals formed are beautiful and symmetrical.
Below are images showing the structure of distilled water.

We were very impressed by the beautiful images that show how the VORTEXèr produced Living Water in such a perfect hexagonal “snowflake” shape.

Water Crystals Digitally photographed by Ernst F. Braun & Sarah Steinmann from Wasserkristall

in Switzerland. March 2020)

Distilled water before running

the VORTEXèr


Distilled water after 3.20 minutes in the VORTEXèr


Distilled water after 7.30 minutes in the VORTEXèr

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